Online consultation on the Common Assessment Framework for Adults

The proposals for a Common Assessment Framework (CAF) set out the principles for information sharing that underpin assessment and care planning for adults using health, social care and wider support services.

The CAF aims to support the increased personalisation of support and improve outcomes for all adults with complex long term health and social care needs.

The proposals cover developments that will help to meet the growing expectation that all those involved in caring for and supporting individuals will share relevant information. This will help to ensure that individuals do not need to provide the same information to different service providers. Information sharing needs to take place within a context of informed consent and secure information storage.

The consultation on the CAF closed on the 17 April 2009. All responses are currently being analysed. Anyone that made a submission or registered their interest in the CAF on this website will be notified by email when the results are available.

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If you already have a user name, you do not need to register, we will notify you when the results are available.

To register and be notified when the results are available please go to the Registration page.

The consultation proposals remain available for reference on the Department of Health website (opens in a new window).

This online process is provided by Dialogue by Design on behalf of the Department of Health and NHS Connecting for Health.